Friday, 30 March 2007

Americans, Americans...

I just watched "Voices from the Mother Country" and "Americans are NOT stupid" In case you haven't seen it yet, go watch it!! It's really funny, especially the second one.
In the first video clip poeple are asked to describe what Americans are like. The people interviewed, mainly Britons, all had similar opinions of Americans. More than one said that they were loud, pushy, over-powering, brash and (over-) confident but also friendly, pleasant, generous and hospital. They all came to the conclusion that Americans aren't very inhibited but say what's on their mind.
The second vidio clip is much more entertaining. An Aussie wants to prove how stupid Americans are and that they don't know anything about the world. So he goes around and asks questions like "what's the religion of Israel?", "Kofi Anan is a coffee, true or false?" or "how many sides has a triangle?" It's obvious that he only interviewed the most stupid people and then only showed those who didn't have a clue of anything at all. But still, let me tell you something you surely didn't know before:
- The religion of Israel is Israeli
- Fidel Castro is a singer
- A triangle has no sides
- The currency of the UK is American money
- Italy and Canada should be invaded in terms of the war on terror
- Tony Blair is a skater
- Florida, NY and a couple of other US states are in the axis of evil
- a mosque is an animal
- Star Wars is based on a true story
- and Al Quada is a suicide group whose president is Yasser Arafat
there are always new things to learn, aren't there...
But let's face it, you could make a fool of any people in the world and make a video clip like that. No matter where you go, you'll always find some stupid people who don't know anything about the world, which is rather shocking but the truth.


fn said...

At least Americans are hospitable, even the stupid ones!

betty030187 said...

I also watched these clips and- believe me or not- I couldn´t stop laughing. Well, it´s true that such a video doesn´t tell you a lot about Americans, but.... the heck with it!!! Everybody loves watching such videos, don´t you agree?