Saturday, 21 April 2007

ant invasion - episode 2

Some time ago I was making fun of Oli who was complaining about three ants in his room. it's me who's freaking out! Yesterday when I got home from work in the afternoon, I found our flat invaded by ants. No, not just a few of them, there were hundreds and hundreds of those little creatures. Their trail ran from Oli's room through our living room (even crawling on top of the couch) along the hallway right into kitchen. First thing I did was to scream out loud, which was kind of pointless since no one was home (I might have scared our neighbor though..). Why couldn't they at least spare the kitchen?? They were crawling up the refrigerator along the kitchen bench, up the toaster, into the coffee machine and down the sink...yeah, you got it: they were EVERYWHERE!! I even found some of them nibbling at my Milka chocolate bunny (I mean how dare they doing a thing like that??). I was only glad that they stayed away from my room...

My flatmates were all gone home over the weekend, so there I was, left alone with all these ants, having no one to support me in this miserable situation. Only solution: call Mum. She usually has an answer for every problem. "Go and buy some insecticide!" was her reply. Right, where would I get insecticide on a Sunday?? I was expecting some kind of 'home remedy' to deal with those ants, but no, the only thing that would help was poison. So I spend the rest of the day killing ants with the vacuum cleaner. It didn't make sense though, since more and more of them appeared every hour (and always finding new ways to enter our flat).

First thing I did this morning: I went to DM and bought not only one but three of those green little thingies that are supposed to kill my little friends and eradicate their nests. Now I might sound like a cold-blooded killer, but trust me, you would act the same way if you were in my shoes. It's not a nice thing to watch TV and have lunch with ants...

I haven't found at lot of dead ants yet, but since they don't visit us at night, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see whether it's true that "Vandal wirkt phänomenal"...

1 comment:

birgit_leonhardsberger said...

A good joke will cheer you up:
>>>What game do ants play with elephants? Squash <<<

And if you want to learn more about your new flat-mates (in case there are still some alive) check out this link :p